The FRA is comprised of sea services enlisted personnel, who have served or are now serving in the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard. The FRA currently has over 35,000 members.
With reverance for God and country and being ever mindful of the glorious traditions of the United States Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard;
Our duty to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America;
Our responsibility to aid in maintaining adequate defense for our beloved country;
Our desire to assist in obtaining the best type of personnel for our Sea Services;
Our interest in the welfare of those who served and are now serving;
Our devotion to our Shipmates in good fortune or distress;
Our reverence for the memory of our departed Shipmates;
We associate ourselves together and declare this to be the Preamble to the Constitution of the Fleet Reserve Association.
The FRA's primary mission is to protect the pay, benefits and compensation of Sea Services enlisted personnel (active duty, reserve, retired and veteran) and their families through direct contact with the U.S. Congress. The FRA also assists with individual career problems by maintaining a close liaison with the Department of Defense and Veteran's Affairs and other government agencies. The FRA supports a military policy that provides for a strong national defense, guarantees the readiness of our forces, and safeguards the personnel interests of the sea services community.
The FRA lobbies the political power brokers in Washington, both the Legislative and the Executive Branches of government. To protect the benefits that you earned while serving in the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard, the FRA employs a staff of five skilled lobbyists - all retired enlisted sea services personnel. Whenever a benefit is threatened, the FRA is there, lobbying members of Congress, testifying in committee hearings on Capitol Hill, standing up for you!
Membership is open to all enlisted personnel (active duty, reserve, retired and veteran) of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard. Commissioned Officers of the sea services, who have at least one day of prior enlisted service are eligible. Personnel of other branches of the U.S. Armed Forces who have prior honorable enlisted service in one of the three sea services are also eligible for membership.
The history of Branch 24, Fleet Reserve Association (FRA) is a long and storied one, spanning eighty years. Over this time many Shipmates and their ladies have come and gone, and with each of them a little history has been made and lost. It is very difficult to separate the entities that make up the Branch 24 family; Branch, Unit and Club, as they were always one big happy family, striving for the good of the whole family. Consequently, this story will spill over into unit and club as it progresses. For that, I apologize ahead of time.
Fleet Reserve Association, Branch 24
100 Compromise St., Annapolis, MD 21401
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