H. Jimmy Beckett, Jr.
Christopher Wallace Sr., JrPP
Lewis R. Bearden
Kim Biggs
John Bocchicchio
Richard L. Bonnett
Patrick Fedorowicz, Chairman Board of Governors
PRPEC Donald A. Hoover
Kenneth J. Liedy
Daniel McGrath
PRPEC Claire Haynes-Purdy
George Shannon
Franswya M. Talbert
PNC Valerie Toulotte
The BOD of Branch 24, FRA is comprised of knowledgeable senior members of the branch and is “A board within an organized society is an instrumentality of the society’s full assembly, to which it is subordinate”. This means that the Branch 24, FRA, BOD works for the membership of Branch 24, FRA as do all elected officers of the branch. The Branch 24, FRA, BOD shall conduct itself in accordance with the provisions of Article 8 of the currently approved version of the Branch 24, FRA Bylaws and rules.
Audit, Budget & Finance, Gary Van Nest
Hospitals, Welfare and Recovery Committee, Donna Merkel
Legislative Service, Patrick J. Guibao
Bylaws and Rules, PRPEC Donald A. Hoover
Public Relations, Donna Merkel
Communications, Brian Merkel
Youth Activities, Vacant
Veterans Service, PRPEC Penny Collins and Noelle Huffer
Membership, H. Jimmy Beckett
Adopt-a-Highway, John Bocchicchio
Americanism and Patriotism, Kim Biggs
All Branch, 24, FRA Committee Chairmen are required to make a report to the branch members at each monthly meeting. They are required to maintain a running history of their committee activity in a committee pass down log, which becomes part of the branch history file maintained by the Branch Secretary/Treasurer. They are responsible for the filling out and submission, with attachments if so required, to the Branch Secretary/Treasurer, of the Annual Branch Committee Report for each committee.
Chaplain Chuck Castelaw
MAA Bill Lesko
Historian PRPEC Donald A. Hoover
Past President Christopher Wallace Sr. Jr PP
The Club
The Club
The Club
The Club
The Club
The Club
The Club
The Club
The Club
The Club
Our meeting mins are archived on our secure drive. You may request access.
However, our most recent minutes can be downloaded under Governance Resource Documents
Our bylaws can be downloaded under
Governance Resource Documents
Fleet Reserve Association, Branch 24
100 Compromise St., Annapolis, MD 21401
Copyright © 2024 FRA 24 - All Rights Reserved.
Website Managed by BRANDIDENTITYE